═══ 1. Introduction ═══ Installation Program Conversion Pro for OS/2 v1.5 now implements the цNstall installation program by J. R. Kowalczyk. The install program (install.exe) will create a directory on your disk of choice and copy all the required files to that directory. The installation program also creates a desktop folder and populates with the Conversion Pro object, the Calculator object and the on-line User's Guide object. Note: Please read!!! For reasons of space the run-time library file is not included with the Conversion Pro archive- nor is it installed by the install program. ═══ 2. Installing for the first time ═══ To install Conversion Pro, follow these steps: 1. Examine the drive and directory in the Path entry field. The default is C:\conpro15. This directory will be created and the required program files will be copied there. 2. If you are not happy with the default installation to the C: drive, change it by choosing another drive under the "Drive" drop-down list. 3. If you are not happy with the directory, or you want to place it as a subdirectory to a another directory, select the new location in the "Directory" drop-down list. You can always hand-edit the installation directory in the "Path" text entry field. (If you want to just keep everything where it is now, choose "Create desktop objects only"). 4. When you are satisfied with the installation location, push the install button at the bottom of the installation window. 5. The status of the installation is shown by the slider bar. If successful, a dialog will pop-up to inform you the installation has completed. 6. Push the Exit button to close the installation program. 7. Conversion Pro desktop objects should be created automatically by the installation program. 8. If Conversion Pro doesn't run, make sure that you have properly placed the run-time library vrobj.dll in a directory on your PATH statement in the OS/2 config.sys file. ═══ 3. Target drive ═══ Selecting a hard drive to install to The drive to install Conversion Pro to is selected by the drop-down list box labled "Drive". You do not need to change this unless you wish to install Conversion Pro on a drive different from the default C: ═══ 4. Directory list ═══ Choose another directory with the list box The "Directory" list box contains entries of the directories on the drive currently selected in the "Drive" drop-down list-box. You can select any directory from this list and install the Conversion pro files there. Or, you can select one of the directories shown and then add a subdirectory by typing the preferred name in the "Path" entry field. ═══ 5. Path ═══ Where will Conversion Pro be installed? The entry field labeled "Path" shows the current destination directory where Conversion Pro will be installed. The default is C:\conpro15. You can change by typing in a new path, or by using the "Drive" drop-down list and/or the "Directory" list. The Path field will always show where Conversion Pro will end, up regardless of any previous selections made with the "Drive" or "Directory" lists. ═══ 6. Destination directory ═══ Choosing where to install the program By default, the destination for installing Conversion Pro is C:\conpro15. If you want to change this, do so by changing the drive letter in the "Drive" drop-down list, and/or change the directory in the "Directory" drop-down list. The new installation drive and/or directory will be reflected in the "Path" text entry field. You can also hand-edit the installation directory in the "Path" text entry field. ═══ 7. Create WPS objects only ═══ Using "the Create WPS object only" checkbox If you unzipped the cpwarp15.zip archive into a desktop folder or a directory on your drive, and want to leave the Conversion Pro files there, check this option. The install program will not copy any files to any other location. Desktop objects will then created for the files in that folder or directory. Note: This option is also useful if you lose or delete your desktop objects. From the directory containing all the program files, just run the install program again with this check box selected. ═══ 8. Needed files ═══ The install program needs the following files to properly install Conversion Pro: o install.exe o install.hlp o install.dat Don't mess with install.dat unless you know absolutely know what you are doing. Otherwise, you could create unexpected results with the install program. ═══ 9. Redoing the installation ═══ If the installation failed or you want to put Conversion Pro somewhere else, do the following: 1. Throw away (shred) any desktop objects that were created. 2. Re-run the installation program for the new destination directory. 3. Delete any other Conversion Pro directory and/or files that you copied to your hard-drive. You do not have to reboot. Note: Make sure the reason Conversion Pro is not working is due to a missing vrobj.dll run-time library. If only your desktop objects are missing, use the "Create WPS objects only" function to remake them. ═══ 10. VROBJ.DLL ═══ Conversion Pro needs the vrobj.dll run-time library in order to run. This dll is available free from the Watcom division of the PowerSoft Corp. Many smaller OS/2 apps require this dll, and most BBS and ftp sites request it not be included with any archive in order to prevent the redundancy of downloading the same dll over and over again. You may already have it if you have installed certain OS/2 apps you may have downloaded. The file is readily available from many ftp OS/2 sites. You can try the Powersoft site at: ftp.powersoft.com/pub/vxrexx/maintfls You need level "2.1c" or later. (e.g., vrobj21c.zip). Warning: Do NOT get level 2.1a or 2.1b of this dll. You must use version 2.1c or later. From Compuserve type: GO PSLANG and then get to the VX-REXX library. Version 2.1d of the VX-REXX run-time DLL should be there. Once you have it, it needs to be copied to a directory on your PATH statement in the OS/2 config.sys file. I suggest X:\OS2\DLL as a good place to put it (where X: is the drive where you have OS/2 installed). Alternatively, you can put the run-time in the \conpro15 directory and add that directory to your PATH statement ═══ 11. Logging ═══ The results of the installation are saved to a logging file in the working directory. The file is named install.log ═══ 12. Copyright ═══ Conversion Pro v.1.5 and associated files including this help file are Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 by: Jon F. Kaminsky NEGC Software 2522 North Proctor Street, Suite 135 Tacoma, WA 98406 e-mail: negcjfk@ibm.net product support: 103162.365@compuserve.com The цNstall installation program (minus this help file) is Copyright (C) 1996 by: Janosch R. Kowalczyk Oberwaldstr. 42 63538 Groсkrotzenburg Germany Tel: +49-6186/201676 Fax: +49-6186/470 Compuserve: 101572.2160@compuserve.com